


lost tale的蘑菇太魔性太熊了,想起来就肝点,留备日后。



But in this fateful year Melko dared of hisblasphemous heart to choose that very day of Manwe's speech upon Tan iquetilfor the carrying out of his designs; for then would Kor and Valmar and the rock-ringeddale of Sirnumen be unguarded: for against whom indeed had Elf or Vala need to guardin those old days? 


Creeping then down with his dark people on thethird day of Samirien, as that feast was named, he passed the dark halls ofMakar's abode (for even that wild Vala had gone to Valmar to honour the time,and indeed all of the Gods went there saving Fui and Vefantur only, and Osseeven was there, dissembling for those seven days his feud and jealousy with Ulmo).Herc does a thought cometo Melko's heart, and he arms himself and his band stealthily withswords very sharp and cruel, and this was well for them: for now do they all stealinto the vale of Sirnumen where the Noldoli had their present dwelling, andbehold the Gnomes by reason of the workings in their hearts of Melko's ownteaching had become wary and suspicious beyond the wont of the Eldar of those days.Guards of some strength were set over the treasures there that went not to thefeast, albeit this was contrary to the customs and ordinances of the Gods. Nowis there suddenly bitter war awake in the heart of Valinor and those guards areslain, even while the peace and gladness upon Taniquetil afar is very great --indeed for that reason none heard their cries. Now Melko knew that it wasindeed war for ever between himself and all those other folk of Valinor, for hehad slain the Noldoli -- guests of the Valar -- before the doors of their ownhomes. With his own hand indeed he slew Bruithwir father of Feanor,' andbursting into that rocky house that he defended laid hands upon those mostglorious gems, even the Silmarils, shut in a casket of ivory. Now all that great treasury of gemshe despoiled, and lading himself and all his companions to the utmost he seekshow he may escape. 




Know then that Orome had great stables and abreeding ground of good horses not so far from this spot, where a wild forestland had grown up. Thither Melko steals, and a herd of black horses hecaptures, cowing them with the terror that he could wield. Astride those hiswhole company of thieves rides far away, after destroying what things of lesservalue they deemed it impossible to carry thence. Making a wide circuit andfaring with the speed of hurricanes such as only the divine horses of Orome ridden by the children of theGods could compass they pass far to the west of Valmar in the untrackedregions where the light of the Trees was thin. Long ere the folk had come downfrom Taniquetil and long ere the end of the feast or ever the Noldoli faredback to find their homes despoiled, Melko and his [?thieves] were ridden to thedeep south, and finding there a low place in the hills they passed into theplains of Eruman. Well might Aule and Tulkas bemoan their carelessness inleaving that low place long ago when they reared those hills to fend all evilfrom the plain -- for that was the place where they were accustomed to enter Valinorafter their quarryings in the fields of Arvalin." It is said indeed that thisriding in a half-circle, laborious and perilous as it was, was at firstno partof Melko's design, for rather had he purposed to get to northward over thepasses nigh to Mandos; but this he was warned might not be done, for Mandos andFui never left those realms, and all the ravines and chasms of the northwardmountains were infested with their folk, nor for all his gloom was Mandos anyrebel against Manwe or an abetter of evil deeds. 




Far to the north if one may endure the coldsas Melko could it is said in ancient lore that the Great Seas narrow to alittle thing, and without aid of ships Melko and his company might thus havegot into the world safely; but this was not done, and the sad tale took itsappointed course, or the Two Trees might yet have shone and the Elves sungstill in Valinor. 


At length that daytide of festival is over andthe Gods are turned back towards Valmar, treading the white road from Kor. Thelights twinkle in the city of the Elves and peace dwells there, but the Noldolifare over the plain to Sirnumen sadly. Silpion is gleaming in that hour, andere it wanes the first lament for the dead that was heard in Valinor rises fromthat rocky vale, for Feanor laments the death of Bruithwir; and many of theGnomes beside find that the spirits of their dead have winged their way to Ve.Then messengers ride hastily to Valmar bearing tidings of the deeds, and themthey find Manwe, for he has not yet left that town for his abode uponTaniquetil. 


"Alas, Manwe Sulimo," they cry,"evil has pierced the Mountains of Valinor and fallen upon Sirnumen of thePlain. There lies Bruithwir sire of Feanor' dead and many of the Noldolibeside, and all our treasury of gems and fair things and the loving travail ofour hands and hearts through many years is stolen away. Whither Manwe whoseeyes see all things? Who has done this evil, for the Noldoli cry for vengeance,most [?just] one!"


Then said Manwe to them: "Behold Childrenof the Noldoli, my heart is sad towards you, for the poison of Melko hasalready changed you, and covetice has entered your hearts. Lo! had ye notthought your gems and fabrics' of better worth than the festival of the folk orthe ordinances of Manwe your lord, this had not been, and Bruithwir go- Maidrosand those other hapless ones still had lived, and your jewels been in nogreaterperil. Nay, my wisdom teaches me that because of the death of Bruithwirand his comrades shall the greatest evils fall on Gods and Elves, and Men tobe. 

Without the Gods who brought you to the lightand gave you all the materials of your craft, teaching your first ignorance, noneof these fair things you love now so well ever would have been; what has beendone may again be done, for the power of the Valar does not change; but of moreworth than all the glory of Valinor and all the grace and beauty of Kor ispeace and happiness and wisdom, and these once lost are harder to recapture.Cease then to murmur and to speak against the Valar, or to set yourselves inyour hearts as equals to their majesty; rather depart now in penitence knowingfull well that Melko has wrought this evil against you, and that your secrettrafficking with him has brought you all this loss and sorrow. Trust him notagain therefore, nor any others that whisper secret words of discontent amongyou, for its fruit is humiliation and dismay." 



And the embassy was abashed and afraid andwent back unto Sirnumen utterly cast down; yet was Manwe's heart heavier thantheirs, for things had gone ill indeed, and yet he foresaw that worse would be;and so did the destinies of the Gods work out, for lo! to the Noldoli Manwe'swords seemed cold and heartless, and they knew not his sorrow and his tenderness;and Manwe thought them strangely changed and turned to covetice, who longed butfor comfort, being like children very full of the loss of their fair things. 


Now Melko findeth himself in the wastes ofArvalin and knoweth not how he may escape, for the gloom there is very great,and he knoweth not those regions that stretch there unto the utmost south. Thereforehe sent a messenger claimingthe inviolable right of a herald (albeit this was a renegade servant of Mandoswhom Melko had perverted) over the pass to Valinor, and there standingbefore the gates of Valmar' he demanded audience of the Gods; and it was askedof him whence he came, and he said from Ainu Melko, and Tulkas would havehurled stones at him from the walls and slain him, but the others as yetsuffered him not to be mishandled, but despite their anger and loathing they admittedhim to the great square of gold that was before Aule's courts. And at the samehour riders were sent to Kor and to Sirnumen sum- moning the Elves, for it wasguessed that this matter touched them near. When all was made ready themessenger took stand beside the needle of pure gold whereon Aule had writtenthe story of the kindling of the Tree of gold (in Lorien's courts stood one ofsilver with another tale), and on a sudden Manwe said: "Speak!" andhis voice was as a clap of wrath- ful thunder, and the courts rang, but theenvoy unabashed uttered his message, saying: 




"The Lord Melko, ruler of the world fromthe darkest east to the outer slopes of the Mountains of Valinor unto his kinsmenthe Ainur. Behold, in compensation for divers grievous affronts and for longtimes of unjust imprisonment despite his noble estate and blood that he has atyour hands suffered, now has he taken, as is due to him, certain smalltreasures held by the Noldoli, your slaves. Great grief is it to him that ofthese he has slain some, in that they would do him hurt in the evil of theirhearts; yet their blasphemous intent will he now put from memory, and all thepast injuries that ye the Gods have wrought him will he so far forget as once again to show his presencein that place that is called Valmar, if ye will hearken to hisconditions and fulfil them. For know that the Noldoli shall be his servants andshall adorn him a house; moreover of right he does demand --" but hereoneven as the herald lifted up his voice yet louder swelling with his words ofinsolence, so great became the wrath of the Valar that Tulkas and several ofhis house leapt down and seizing him stopped his mouth, and the place ofcouncil was in uproar. Indeed Melko had not thought to gain aught but time andthe confusion of the Valar by this embassage of insolence. 




Then Manwe bid him unhand the herald, but theGods arose crying with one voice: "This is no herald, but a rebel, athief, and a murderer." "He hath defiled the sanctity of Valinor,"shouted Tulkas, "and casthis insolence in our teeth." Now the mind of all the Elves was asone in this matter. Hope they had none of the recovery of the jewels save bythe capture of Melko, which was now a matter beyond hope, but they would haveno parley with Melko what-soever and would treat him as an outlaw and all hisfolk. 

(And this was the meaning of Manwe, sayingthat the death of Bruithwir would be the root of the greatest evil, for it was thatslaying that most inflamed both Gods and Elves.)' 



To this end they spoke in the ears of Vardaand Aule, and Varda befriended their cause before Manwe, and Aule yet morestoutly, for his heart was sore too for the theft of so many things ofexquisite craft and workmanship; but Tulkas Poldorea needed no pleading, beinghot with ire. Now these great advocates moved the council with their words, sothat in the end it is Manwe's doom that word he sent back to Melko rejectinghim and his words and outlawing him and all his followers from Valinor forever. These words would he now speak to the envoy, bidding him begone to hismaster with them, but the folk of the Vali and the Elves would have none of it,and led by Tulkas they took that renegade to the topmost peak of Taniquetil,and there declaring him no herald and taking the mountain and the stars towitness of the same they cast him to the boulders of Arvalien so that he was slain,and Mandos received him into his deepest caves. 



Then Manwe seeing in this rebellion and theirviolent deed the seed of bitterness cast down his sceptre and wept; but the othersspake unto Sorontur King of Eagles upon Taniquetil and by him were the words ofManwe sent to Melko: "Begone for ever, accursed, nor dare to parley morewith Gods or Elves. Neither shall thy foot nor that of any who serve thee treadthe soil of Valinor again while the world endures." 


And Sorontur sought out Melko and said as hewas bidden, and of the death of his envoy he told [?too]. Then Melko would haveslain Sorontur, being mad with anger at the death of his messenger; and verilythis deed was not in accord with the strict justice of the Gods, yet was theanger of those at Valmar sorely tempted; but Melko has ever cast it against theGods most bitterly, twisting it into a black tale of wrong; and between thatevil one and Sorontur has there ever since been hate and war, and that was mostbitter when Sorontur and his folk fared to the Iron Mountains and there abode,watch ing all that Melko did. 



1 蘑菇好熊!维拉好熊!精灵也好熊!一对比,宝钻里大家都严肃多了。

2 曼威聚聚你不会讲话就不要讲了,看把诺多郁闷的,人一堆尸体还躺在家里呢。

3 蘑菇和他的特使非常敢扯,堪称上门讨打。另外这个特使虽然不像泰维多是官方盖章的索伦前身,但是结合身份和地位两点来看,和后来的索伦也有微妙的共通点。所以……刀了。

4 索伦之口你谢谢甘道夫吧,他要是像托卡斯一样暴躁你十个头都不够砍。结合《魔戒》里的描述,中土的传令官默认享有不被侵犯的权利,但若传令官自己表现得傲慢无礼则仍可能受到攻击。这里的米尔寇特使情节比索伦之口轻,因为他算是履行自己的职责,没额外加戏。但是米尔寇口信的刺激+托卡斯杀心重+特使自己大概也参与了前一桩犯罪,还是被宰了……曼威聚聚你看看你的话根本就不好使啊。

5 纳牟的孩子怎么回事,一个个的都跟着米尔寇这个不靠谱的舅舅混。舅舅到底是怎么忽悠他们的?跟着他去抢劫杀精都敢做,还是不是曼督斯出来的守序迈雅啊。

6 茵迪丝是费妈,挂了;迷瑞尔是费妈,挂了;Bruithwir是费爸,挂了;芬威是费爸,挂了。托老打定主意要给他一个非同一般的身世……之后这个疯狂天才就在失去亲属和宝物(这里的宝钻不算特殊,主要还是现有的所有珍宝都被抢走,而且死了爹太过悲伤,连重新创造的能力都没了,更丧)的双重刺激下,冲动堕落了……

7 Lost tales和宝钻同样存在“维拉和精灵沟通不良”以及“精灵因作为次创造者的占有欲而堕落”的情节。但这里比最终的故事更明显,也更魔性。



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