





Now Aule goeth to Manwe and speakethenheartening words, saying how Valmar still stands and the Mountains are highand a sure bulwark against evil. "Lo! if Melko sets once more turmoils inthe world, was he not bound in chains aforetime, and so may be again: -- butbehold, soon will I and Tulkas fill that pass that leads to Erumani and theseas, that Melko come not ever that way hither again." 


Then does Aule fall to speech with Manweconcerning the Noldoli, and he pleads much for them, saying that Manwe wroughtwith anxiety has done hardly by them, for that of Melko in sooth alone is theevil come, whereas the Eldar are not slaves nor servants but beings of a wondrous sweetness andbeauty -- that they were guests for ever of the Gods. 


Therefore does Manwe bid them now, an theywill, go back to Kor, and, if they so desire, busy themselves in fashioning gemsand fabrics anew, and all things of beauty and cost that they may need in theirlabour shall be given to them even more lavishly than before. 


But when Feanor heard this saying, he said:"Yea, but who shall give us back the joyous heart without which works of lovelinessand magic cannot be? -- and Bruithwir is dead, and my heart also." Manynonetheless went then back to Kor, and some semblance of old joy.is thenrestored, though for the lessened happiness of their hearts their labours donot bring forth gems of the old lustre and glory. But Feanor dwelt in sorrowwith a few folk in Sirnumen, and though he sought day and night to do so hecould in no wise make other jewels like to the Silmarils of old, that Melkosnatched away; nor indeed has any craftsman ever done so since. At length does heabandon the attempt, sitting rather beside the tomb of Bruithwir, that iscalled the Mound of the First Sorrow,* and is well named for all the woe thatcame from the death of him who was laid there. There brooded Feanor bitter thoughts,till his brain grew dazed by the black vapours of his heart, and he arose andwent to Kor. There did he speak to the Gnomes, dwelling on their wrongs andsorrows and their minished wealth and glory -- bidding them leave this prison-houseand get them into the world. "As cowards have the Valar become; but thehearts of the Eldar are not weak, and we will see what is our own, and if we maynot get it by . stealth we will do so by violence. There shall be war between the Children ofIluvatar and Ainu Melko. What if we perish . in our quest? The dark halls of Vebe little worse than this bright prison....'" And he prevailed thusupon some to go before Manwe with himseIf and demand that the Noldoli besuffered to leave Valinor in peace and set safely by the Gods upon the shoresof the world whence they had of old been ferried. 




Then Manwe was grieved by their request andforbade the Gnomes to utter such words in Kor if they desired still to dwellthere among the other Elves; but then changing from harshness he told them manythings concerning the world and its fashion and the dangers that were alreadythere, and the worse that might soon come to be by reason of Melko's return.  


"My heart feels, and my wisdom tellsme," said he, "that no great age of time will now elapse ere thoseother Children of Iluvatar, the fathers of the fathers of Men, do come into theworld -- and behold it is of the unalterable Music of the Ainur that the worldcome in the end for a great while under the sway of Men; yet whether it shallbe for happiness or sorrow Iluvatar has not revealed, and I would not havestrife or fear or anger come ever between the different Children of Iluvatar,and fain would I for many an age yet leave the world empty of beings who might strive against thenew-come Men and do hurt to them ere their clans be grown to strength,while the nations and peoples of the Earth are yet infants." To this headded many words concerning Men and their nature and the things that wouldbefall them, and the Noldoli were amazed, for they had not heard the Valarspeak of Men, save very seldom; and had not then heeded overmuch, deeming thesecreatures weak and blind and clumsy and beset with death, nor in any wayslikely to match the glory of the Eldalie. Now therefore, although Manwe hadunburdened his heart in this way hoping that the Noldoli, seeing that he didnot labour without a purpose or a reason, would grow calmer and more trustfulof his love, rather were they astonished to discover that the Ainur made thethought of Men so great a matter, and Manwe's words achieved the opposite of his wish;for Feanor in his misery twisted them into an evil semblance, when standingagain before the throng of Kor he spake these words: 

“我心有感,我的智慧则告诉我,”曼威说,“在另一批伊露维塔的子女,人类的先祖降临世间之前,现今的伟大 (防那个啥)纪元不会消逝。这是不可更改的‘埃努的大乐章’所注定的。这个世界将在人类的统治下度过一段伟大的时光,最后走向终结。不过伊露维塔还未预示它之喜乐或悲伤。我不希望伊露维塔的不同孩子间存在争斗、恐惧或仇恨。我但愿世界在多个纪元中都空空荡荡,当大地之子年纪尚幼,他们的国家也还未强盛时,大地上没有任何能与新生人类争斗或者伤害他们的生物,直到他们的部族成长到足够强大的地步。”


"Lo, now do we know the reason of our transportationhither as it were cargoesof fair slaves! Now at length are we told to what end we are guardedhere, robbed of our heritage in the world, ruling not the wide lands, lestperchance we yield them not to a race unborn. To these foresooth -- a sad folk,beset with swift mortality, a race of burrowers in the dark, clumsy of hand,untuned to songs or musics, who shall dully labour at the soil with their rudetools, to these whom still he says are of Iluvatar would Manwe Sulimo lordlingof the Ainur give the world and all the wonders of its land, all its hiddensubstances -- give it to these, that is our inheri tance. Or what is this talkof the dangers of the world? A trick to deceive us; a mask of words! 0 all yechildren of the Noldoli, whomso will no longer be house-thralls of the Gods howeversoftly held, arise I bid ye and get you from Valinor, for now is the hour comeand the world awaits." 


In sooth it is a matter for great wonder, thesubtle cunning of Melko -- for in those wild words who shall say that there lurkednot a sting of the minutest truth, nor fail to marvel seeing the very words ofMelko pouring from Feanor his foe, who knew not nor remembered whence was thefountain of these thoughts; yet perchance the [?outmost] origin of these sad things was before Melkohimself, and such things must be -- and the mystery of the jealousy of Elves and Men is anunsolved riddle, one of the sorrows at the world's dim roots. 




1 奥力papa对诺多是真爱啊。

2 宇直维拉曼威大大实力演示“如何把话说死”。

3 狒狒你知不知道有句话叫饭可以乱吃,话不可以乱讲?这个曼督斯flag立得真带劲儿。

4 人类躺着也中枪……



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