


Home1 第六部分“米尔寇盗窃罪行和维林诺黑暗降临”正文的最后一部分。



How so these deep things be, the fierce wordsof Feanor got him instantly a mighty following, for a veil there seemed before the hearts of the Gnomes-- and mayhap even this wasnot without the knowledge of Iluvatar. Yet would Melko have beenrejoiced to hear it, seeing his evil giving fruit beyond his hopes. Now howeverthat evil one wanders the dark plains of Eruman, and farther south than anyonehad yet penetrated he found a region of the deepest gloom, and it seemed to hima good place wherein for the time to hide his stolen treasure. 


Therefore he seeks until he finds a darkcavern in the hills, and webs of darkness lie about so that the black air mightbe felt heavy and choking about one's face and hands. Very deep and windingwere those ways having a subterranean outlet on the sea as the ancient bookssay, and here on a time weve the Moon and Sun imprisoned afterward-, o for heredwelt the primeval spirit Moru whom even the Valar know not whence or when shecame, and the folk of Earth have given her many names. Mayhap she was bred ofmists and darkness on the confines of the Shadowy Seas, in that utter dark thatcame between the overthrow of the Lamps and the kindling of the Trees, but morelike she has always been; and she it is who loveth still to dwell in that blackplace taking the guise of anunlovely spider, spinning a clinging gossamer of gloom that catches inits mesh stars and moons and all bright things that sail the airs. Indeed itwas because of her labours that so little of that overflowing light of the TwoTrees flowed ever into the world, for she sucked light greedily, and it fedher, but she brought forth only that darkness that is a denial of all light. UngwëLianti the great spider who enmeshes did the Eldar call her, naming her alsoWirilome or Gloomweaver, whence still do the Noldoli speak of her as Ungoliontthe spider or as Gwerlum the Black. 

因此他不断寻找,直到在山上发现一个黑暗的洞穴。这个洞穴四周布满了黑暗的网,连周围黑色的空气都显得极端粘稠,令来者的脸与手都有窒息沉闷之感。正如古书所记,此地极为幽深曲折,诸多通道蜿蜒,有一个邻海的地下出口。未来的某段时间,连日月都被囚禁于此。这是因为这里住着一个原始的魂灵Moru,连维拉都不知道她在何时从何地来到这里,大地之子给她起过许多名字。她或许诞生自暗影之海边缘的雾气和黑暗,即那片在巨灯之覆和双树诞生间出现的纯粹黑暗;不过也有可能,她一直在那里{指诞生时间早于巨灯毁灭}。此时她仍喜欢住在那个黑暗的地方,取了丑陋的蜘蛛形体,织着一张带有粘性的昏暗蛛网,以此捕捉星光、月光,以及一切在大气中流动的光亮。正是由于她一直贪婪地吸食光,双圣树溢出的光才极少流入中土世界。光滋养了她,但她带来的只有黑暗,她的黑暗是对所有光的否定。埃尔达称呼她为布陷的大蜘蛛Ungwë Lianti,也叫阴影编织者或黑暗编织者,诺多至今还称呼她为蜘蛛乌苟立安特或者黑色的阴影编织者。


Now between Melko and Ungwe Lianti was there friendship from the first,when she found him and his comrades straying in her caves, but Gloomweaver was ahungered of thebrightness of that hoard of jewels so soon as she saw them. 


Now Melko having despoiled the Noldoli andbrought sorrow and confusion into the realm of Valinor through less of thathoard than aforetime, having now conceived a darker and deeper plan ofaggrandisement; therefore seeing the lust of Ungwe's eyes he offers her allthat hoard, saving only the three Silmarils, if she will abet him in his newdesign. This she granteth readily, and so came all that treasury of most lovelygems fairer than any others that the world has seen into the foul keeping ofWirilome, and was wound in webs of darkness and hidden deep in the caverns ofthe eastern slopes of the great hills that are the southern boundary of Eruman.


Deeming that now is the time to strike whileValinor is yet in uproar nor waiting for Aule and Tulkas to block the passagein the hills, Melko and Wirilome crept into Valinor and lay hidden in a valleyof the foothills until Silpion was in bloom; but all the while was Gloomweaverspinning her most lightless webs and ill-enchanted shades. These she lets floatdown so that in place of the fair silver light of Silpion all about the westernplain of Valinor there creeps now a dim uncertain darkness and faint lightswaver in it. Then does she throw a black cloak of invisibility about Melko andherself and they steal across the plain, and the Gods are in wonder and theElves in Kor are afraid; nonetheless they do not as yet suspect the hand of Melko in this, thinking ratherit is some work of Osse's, who at times with his storms caused greatmists and darkness to be wafted off the Shadowy Seas, encroaching even thebright airs of Valinor; though in this he met the anger both of Ulmo and ofManwe. Then Manwe sent forth a sweet westerly breath wherewith he was accus tomedat such times to blow all sea-humours back eastward over the waters, but suchgentle breathing availed nothing against the woven night heavy and clingingthat Wirilome had spread far abroad. Thus was it that unmarked Melko and theSpider of Night reached the roots of Laurelin, and Melko summoning all his godlike mightthrust a sword into its beauteous stock, and the fiery radiance that spoutedforth assuredly had consumedhim even as it did his sword, had not Gloomweaver cast herself down andlapped it thirstily, plying even her lips to the wound in the tree's bark andsucking away its life and strength. 



By accursed fortune this deed was notstraightway marked, for it was the time of Laurelin's accustomed deepestrepose; and now behold, never more would it wake to glory, scatter- ing beautyand joy upon the faces of the Gods. Because of that great draught of lightsuddenly pride surged in Gwerlum's heart, and she heeded not Melko's warnings, but sate herselfnow nigh to the roots of Silpion and spouted forth evil fumes of night thatflowed like rivers of blackness even to the gates of Valmar. Now Melko takes the weapon that remainsto him, a knife, and will injure the bole of Silpion as much as timewill allow; but a Gnome called Daurin (Tó-rin) wandering from Sirnumen in great boding of illsees him and makes for him, crying aloud. So great was the onrush of thatimpetuous Gnome that ere Melko is aware he has hewn at Wirilome where in thelikeness of a spider she sprawls upon the ground. Now the slender blade thatDaurin wielded came from the forge of Aule and was steeped in miruvor, or neverhad he done harm to that secret [?being], but now he cleaves one of her greatlegs, and his blade is stained with her black gore, a poison to all [?things]whose life is light. 




Then Wirilome writhing throws a thread abouthim and he may not get free, and Melko ruthless stabs him. Then wresting thatbright slender blade from his dying grasp he thrusts it deep into Silpion'strunk, and the poison of Gwerlum black upon it dried the very sap and essenceof the tree, and its light died suddenly to a dismal glow lost in impenetrable dusk.


Then did Melko and Wirilome turn in flight,nor is it too soon, for some that were behind Daurin seeing his fate fled interror both to Kor and Valmar, stumbling madly in the darkness, but indeed already the Valar are riding forth upon the plain speeding as fast as may beyet too late to defend the Trees which they now know to be in danger. 


Now do those Noldoli confirm their fears,saying how Melko is indeed the author of the mischief, and they have but onedesire and that is to lay hands upon him and his accomplices ere they canescape beyond the mountains. 

Tulkasis in the van of that great hunt leaping surefooted in the dimness, and Orome may not keep up with him, for even his divine steed cannotrush as headlong in the gathering night as does Poldoreain the fire of hiswrath. Ulmo hears the shouting in his house in Van, and Osse [?thrusteth] his head above the Shadowy Seasand seeing no longer any light come down the valley of Kor he leaps upon thebeach of Eldamar and runs in haste to join the Ainur in their hunt. Now is theonly light place left in Valinor that garden where the golden fountain sprangfrom Kulullin, and then were Vana and Nessa and Urwen and many maids and ladiesof the Valar in tears, but Paluriengirds her lord as he stands impatiently, and Varda has ridden forth fromTaniquetil by her lord's side bearing a blazing star before him as a torch. 



Telimektar son of Tulkas is with those nobleones, and his face and weapons gleam as silver in the dark, but now all the Godsand all their folk ride this way and that, and some have [?hasty] torches intheir hands, so that the plain is full of pale wandering lights and the soundof voices hallooing in the dusk. 


Even as Melko speeds away a vanguard of thechase sweeps by the Trees, and well nigh the Vali faint for anguish at the ruinthey see there; but now Melko and certain of his comrades, aforetime children of Mandos, areseparated from Ungwe, who wrapped in night gets her gone southward and over themountains to her home, nor does that chase ever draw nigh to her; but theothers flee northward with great speed, for Melko's comrades have knowledge ofthe moun- tains there, and hope to get [?him] through. There came a place atlength where the shadow-veils were thin and they were viewed by a scatteredband of the Vali, and Tulkas was amongst them; who now with a great roar leapsat them. Indeed it might have come to battle upon the plain betwixt Tulkas and Melko had not the distance been overgreat, so that even as Tulkas gained towithin spearcast of Melko a belt of mist took the fugitives again and themocking laugh of Melko seems to come first from one side and then from theother, now from his elbow almost, now from far ahead, and Tulkas turns wildlyabout and Melko slips away. 



Then Makar and Measse rode in all haste northwith their folk, arousing Mandos and ordering the guarding of the mountainpaths, but either Makar was too late or Melko's cunning defeated him -- and themind of Makar was not oversubtle, for no glimpse of that Ainu did they see,though assuredly he did escape that way, and worked much evil after in theworld, yet none are there whom I have heard tell ever of the manner of hisperilous flight back to the ice-kingdoms of the North.' 




1 米尔寇这次好拼。雇蜘蛛姐时交出了除宝钻外所有抢来的宝石;而且先钱后活,交易起来特别爽快。接着在捅树的时候又消耗自己的神力。看来特使之死真的让蘑菇超受刺激。都不急着跑路了,先回来报复一波再说……

2 可能是因为这次蘑菇没赖账,蜘蛛姐和他的友谊没有翻船。再联系庆哥和矮人黄金的故事,我们可以发现,Lost tales非常推崇契约精神,雇人干活最重要的就是爽快给钱(bushi)

3 米尔寇的特使之前已经被托卡斯率众摔死了,后来马卡又杀了两个曼督斯的崽。瑟瑟发抖,原来亲族残杀自埃努始。

4 话说那个山的缺口为什么还没被堵起来?诺多都回科尔住了一段时间,费诺都在墓边坐得犯病了,米尔寇都带着蜘蛛姐杀回来了……

5 那个叫Daurin (Tórin)的诺多精,最早的名字是Fëanor。这个名字和米尔寇果然是天生宿敌。

6 举星星给曼威照明的瓦尔妲超可爱!替米尔寇背锅的欧西为大家演示了牌子做坍掉的后果。明明是米尔寇和蜘蛛姐溜进来了,维拉们的第一反应居然是:啊,欧西,又是你在搞事。曼威还想吹走欧西的海风。兴高采烈跳上岸去参加搜捕队的欧西并不知道,他差点又被骂。

7 补几个好玩儿的细节:

米尔寇在维林诺时挑拨诺多,让诺多对维拉起疑。事情被捅破后曼威训了诺多一顿,又训了米尔寇一顿,让米尔寇“to go and think things over in Mandos”

“Melko indeed was bidden gethim back to Mandos and there dwell awhile in penitence, nor dare to walk in Valmarfor many moons, not until the great festival that now approached had come andgone.”





8 维林诺黑暗降临时费诺还在演讲,双树之毁简直是佐证了他说的话。“诺多的乡亲父老你们看看啊!维林诺现在还有啥!光都消失了,天意要我们自由!咱快抓着机会跑吧。”于是诺多们打包了武器,宝石和衣服,只丢下了书,举着火把浩浩荡荡出奔去了……

9 lost tale和宝钻中间有个过渡版本,发生过这么一件奇事:





10  米尔寇拿着匕首准备刨劳瑞林树干,想象了一下那个画面,觉得有点喜感,似刨木花似猫挠树。大概是因为匕首太短不方便刺,而且刺熙尔皮安时候用太多力气了?最后劳瑞林还是被蜘蛛姐的毒液给毒死的_(:з」∠)_。



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